Part II
A Fair Trade
Blodwen Role Play Community
Blodwen Wonderland
The caravan appeared before Midnight King and Snow Queen on the Christmas Eve. The stone floor of the throne room was fully occupied by colors, toys and people in costumes. A tuxedoed Pierrot wearing a half mask with a tear-drop under his painted droopy right eye was giving royal maids flowers. A chubby fairy with stained glass wings and an ape-man in a silver knight armor were bringing a large music box off the caravan. A pirate armed with wooden sword and rainbow-colored gun was helping Snow White and her seven little dwarfs spread candies to red uniformed soldiers. An old man in Eastern clothe and his little marionette girl were playing a card trick to please the Queen while a group of four black-haired Eastern dancers, some of them looked androgynous, furnished themselves with plain silk white dresses were surrounding the King. It was like they were charming and teasing him at the same time. Everything was as mirthful as it was.